Message of Mgr. Dollmann Auxiliary bishop of Strasbourg,
Ecclesiastical Assistent WUCT -
Last February, the
Pontifical Council for the Laity
confirmed my appointment as Ecclesiastical Assistant of WUCT, successor of Mgr. Luc Van Looy who
assisted WUCT during a long period of years. Since my Episcopal ordination in September
2012 I received several appointments
from outside my Diocese. But this
last, I accepted willingly because it is constitutes an extension of my various
responsibilities related to education.
After my ordination, I was
sent as chaplain to a catholic school in Alsace, further as Spiritual Director of the Major Seminary of Strasbourg and
finally in 2009 at the French College in Rome. During my stay of 3 years, I was
also member of the Congregation of Catholic Education, responsible for
French-speaking seminaries.
My nomination coincides
with the moment we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Declaration
‘Gravissimum Educationis’ which articulated the universal right to education
while defining its purpose: "For a true education aims at the formation of
the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end and of the good of the
societies of which, as man, he is a member, and in whose obligations, as an
adult, he will share." (GE: 1)
This perspective, to which the Church is committed, in fidelity
to Christ, remains a challenging task
for any educator, especially in the actual context marked by the challenge of multiculturalism
With my most respectful greetings,
+ Vincent
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